Thursday, January 20, 2011

My social life has gotten in the way of...

COUPONING. I decided to follow the krazykouponladies suggestions and put them all in a binder by category. Boy is that time consuming but oh so worth it. I have used a lot more coupons and my stockpile is growing as we speak lol. I spent the evening re arranging my kitchen cabinets to take an inventory of what I have and what I need. I wil take pictures and pstt it this evening. I have also decided to start babysitting for a frined for 6 weeks. I know I am adding to my already hectic life but I have always wanted a kitchen aide so I am putting the money towards that and the rest owards redoing the kids rooms. We ae considering movie across country so that news maybe coming soon.

Friday, January 7, 2011


I think it hit hard yesterday. I finally realized that as much as I want too I cannot do everythinig by myself. Thats a very hard thing for me to say. I have major control issues and I need to learn how to let go. Like I said before we will be married 10 years this year and are still very young. Statistics were stacked against us but somehow we made it work.

My husband works very hard to support us but unfortunatly that makes me the primary parent 80% of the time. Having two with medical issues was fine. I could handle it. Now balancing school IEPS therapy and my other two children plus extra activities. moms group,crafting,couponing,cooking not sleepimng nearly as much as I should finally got to me. I am finally taing the ofers of let me take the kids for awhile. WHich as I said is hard for me. Hopefully it will help make a less stressed me.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

50 Goals for 2011

Instead of making a couple of New Year's resolutions, I decided to make a list of goals I would like to try and accomplish in 2011.
1. Be more patient with the kids.
2. Floss everyday.
3. Follow fly lady so my house can stay clean.
4. do more once a month mom cooking.
5. Follow cvs deal scenarios every week.
6. Find a way to exercise regularly.
7. Cut my grocery bill in half with coupons.
8. Re do the kids rooms
9. Finish rearranging kitchen cabinets
10. Build my stockpile.
11. Be a better advocate for Eric and Corina.
12. Autism walk 2011
13. Get the kids involved in charity.
14. Continue date nights every other week.
15. NKOTB concert!!!
16. Continue posting regularly on my blog, and learn how to give my blog a makeover. (Anyone know how?)
17. Spend more individual time with the kids.
18. Stick to a budget.
19. Use Corinas respite care.
20. Spend less money on eating out.
21. Learn how to cook more meals.
22. Plan a family vacation this summer.
23. Save money for vegas.
24. Convince travis to go to vegas.
25. Renew our wedding vows. 10 years :)
26. Find a new PCP I love.
27. Decorate our walls throughout our house.
28. Plan one special day per kid during the summer. Big plans :)
29. Spend a lot of time at the beach this summer.
30. Eat more healthy foods.
31. Take vitamens.
32. Use more coupons.
33. Work with the insurance company to pay for more therapy for Eric
34. Adriana gets braces.
35. Go to church every Sunday.
36. More quality time with the family.
37. Sew more.
38. Use my cricut cake for every birthday.
39. Volunteer more.
40. Say "I Love You" more and give more hugs to all of my loved ones.
41. Start Corina back in gymnastics.
42. Older two in sports through the church
43. Take more pictures.
44. scrapbook all the pictures.
45. spend more times on crafts.
46. Organize the house.
47. Go to moms group more.
48. volunteer at church more.
49. Get better at recycling everything that can be recycled.
50. Pay the kindness forward that has been shown to me.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

So far so good.

I am trying very hard to keep this blog thing going. I have made a few promises to myself for the year so lets see if I can follow through with them. One of them of course is blogging even if I do not have a lot to post I am going to try and post something everyday. Whether it be crafts or coupons or just plain family life.

Today I went and bought a printer I finally gacve in. This way I can print coupons too. I also ordered coupons from a clipping service which is also new to me. I am official starting fly lady cleaning today as well. Later this evening I will post my plan of attack on couponing this week. Lets all try and build our stockpiles.