Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Krazy coupon lady.

I have officially become obsessed with coupons. I am slowly building a good size stockpile. My husband had complained quite a bitabout al the toothpaste mens deoderant and mens bodywash we have accumulated. Not to mention the years worth of shampoo and conditioner and yet I keep buying more. I had to add a second cabinet for condiments too.

So... After thinking and thinking about what to do with some of the extras. My sister came into mind. She has just now started living by herself and moneys a little tight. She is an amzing cleaner/organizer. So I offered to supply her toiletries in exchange for cleaning. It has worked well for botyh of us. Being a stay at home mom on a tight budget I have to get creative if I want/need any extra.

Monday, May 2, 2011

School closing/moving

So... yet another bump in the road. The montessori school my children currently attend which is public and tuition free maybe closing or atleast moving to a bigger building and sharing it with three other schools. So far is not an option for me. I really cannot see myself as it stands sending my fiour children there. What choices do I have? Not many although its not our "home" school the other schools in our area are not that great.

Where does that leave us. What do I do? I have a wonderful husband who is just not here as much as I would like but it enables me to stay home. I love my children more then anything but recently feel as if I am slacking as a mom. If one of my family members or friends read this they may not agree. I have the means to homeschool. We have resources in my area. My kids are very social but I often ask myself, Am I good enough? Am I patient enough? Tomorrow is the board meeting and Iall I can do is pray. I have looked through the resources in my area. We will see what ends up happening.

On a lighter note we planted our seeds on earth day and they are doing wonderful. We have started journals. We have planted 12 cucumber plants and 32 tomoato plants. What in the world was I thinking. We maybe canning a lot this year. I have a lot of fun things planned for summer. May is going to be a crazy month for us. So I am sure I will go another month or so without posting. I know I have made a lot of empty promises to myself on this blog thing.