Time for somethings that make me happy. Today I will share some christmas pictures and how we look on a daily basis thank God pictures only show the out side. Well here goes nothing.For some reason it is not letting me upload I will try again soon. Maybe I can post a picture off of my pinterest lets se if that works.

This is what my kids woke up to on Christmas morning. The kds loved it Travis said I was a dork and it was pointless oh well they all ate it right. Can't please everyone.
This is Travis and the kids on Christmas eve.He actually wore the hat and had fun with it. The kids really enjoyed it. Its amazing how bi polar our marriage can be. I hwish he would just talk to me and let me know whats bothering him. I do love my family very much and want to make sure we all stay together and happy. We can't go on unhappy its not fair to the kids. Well onto my favorite picture of all.
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